The Blokes

Behind The Beards

Shawn Williams


Growing in honor of baby name
Full name:
Shawn Williams
Beard name:
Last time you shaved:
May some time
Favourite beard style:
Favourite beard in history:
Willie off duck dynasty

My partner Brooke and I have lost two babies this year alone due to early miscarriage. Growing a beard was the least I could do. I have a lot of support as a beard growing team. There are 7 of us all together in our team, including my brothers, Brooke's Brothers and Dad, one of my best mates and our son Riley's godfather. It has been a tough year, but couldn't have done it without the support of family and friends. We are also holding a Teddy Bear's Picnic Fun Day in October, which is also pregnancy and infant loss awareness month, to raise awareness and support around our community and to raise funds for Bears of Hope. Bring on next year's beard season.